Claimed By The Lawman by Rhonda Lee Carver

This is an intriguing and suspenseful story. Kace is stubborn, insecure, intense and vulnerable. Tyler is determined, independent and unsure. They fell in love as kids, but neither one said anything, so when they went their separate ways, they both believed the other broke their heart. When Tyler comes to town to convince Kace to solve her sister's death, he resists, knowing he never got over her, and spending time with her would hurt too much. Tyler is determined to make him do it though, and once he starts investigating, he finds more questions than answers. When Tyler is threatened, Kace knows there's more to the story and gets serious, with the case and with Tyler. The mystery of what's going on, who's involved and why it's happening is a truly fascinating story. Kace and Tyler are likable characters, but both are a little frustrating, each blaming the other for the breakup, but Tyler is worse, blaming Kace for not telling her how he felt when she didn't either. But it's still an amazing story.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author. This is my honest and voluntary opinion of it.


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