The Key In The Door by Blanche Dabney

This is an intriguing and interesting story. Jessica received a key and a flyer at her front door, the flyer was for an open house at a castle. Bored, broke and up for a change, she packs a suitcase and heads to Scotland. While she was being given a personal tour she was left alone, and decided to keep going When she found a locked door she tried her key, the door opened and she went through, and found herself being taken by two guards in armor. When confronted by a man who demanded to know how she got into the castle, she told him about the key and the door, he had her show him. When he took the key and unlocked the door, he shoved her through it and closed and locked I again. She found her on the outside of the castle, 20 feet up, with no way down. While she tried to get her up from the ledge she was hanging on, she ended up falling, right into the arms of a man. Eddard had seen her falling and ran to catch her. When he sees her face, the ideas of passing her off as the laird and lady's missing daughter comes to mind. A way to take down the steward who banished him and was ruining the clan. Trying to get her to her parents proves almost impossible, she had a bounty on her head, and all the guards followed the steward. I loved the storyline, and the characters were interesting.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author. This is my honest and voluntary opinion of it.


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