The Last One by Tawdra Kandle

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Meghan is a college student who volunteers for a summer art teaching program. Sam is the man who rescued Meghan and her roomate when they broke down one night on their way from a bar in the town he lives in. Sam doesn't think very highly of Meghan because the night he rescued her, she was passed out drunk, which left her roomate alone on a dark country road late at night. The next time they meet be fights his attraction by verbally attacking her for being irresponsible and immature. She ends up being his boarder for the summer. The sparks fly, but she doesn't do "permanent" and he thinks she's too young. The story is sweet, a little sexy and at times very funny. And I really liked all the characters involved. Definitely a worthwhile read.


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